Before we move off, we need to make sure it's 100% safe before doing so


If you don't know....don't go


















































Lets look at this common example

We are the car emerging left





















Is it safe to pull out yet?




















Wait until the approaching car has started to turn.


Is it safe to pull out now?





















Now we are emerging to the right

How can we judge if we have time to cross the path of the approaching car?





















Use your experience as a pedestrian

If you have time to walk across, you have time to drive across




















Now there is traffic from both sides

We need to make sure we have time to cross the traffic from the right and not cause the car on the left to slow down.

Be patient, there's no time limit

If you don't know....don't go!




















Is it safe to pull out now?

There is no traffic approaching from the right.





















Always assess the situation and ask yourself "what if".

Remember, the traffic established on the major road has priority, even if it's on the wrong side of the road!


































