Double mini roundabouts

Sometimes two roundabouts can be joined together (touching) or are connected by a short piece of road. Most will guide you through using road signs on approach and lane markings on the road.


We must look out for signs when approaching double mini roundabouts, they will help us plan ahead! What is our destination? What exit do we need?


We must also look out for arrows painted on the road, these will guide us to our required exit, all we need to do is maintain good lane discipline and keep a good look out.


Some double mini roundabouts won’t have any lane markings or arrows to guide us.


The most effective way to manage these is to use the first roundabout to set your position up for the correct exit at the second roundabout.


Some local knowledge may be helpful, so we’ll practise some of the local double mini roundabouts.

Our local double mini roundabouts are Ringwood Road Double Mini Roundabout, Upton Double Mini Roundabout & Kinson Double Mini Roundabout.


Again we will practise all of these, though there are something you can do to help prepare yourself and make faster process.


Use Google maps to look for any  lane markings.


Use Google street view pick an approach road and an exit road, walkthrough the roundabout,  which lane will you choose on approch?  where are you going to look?


Look for tutorials on Youtube for these roundabouts, there are some step-by-step demonstrations and even aerial videos, watching these for a few minutes gives a idea of how the traffic flows through them.


Visit these roundabouts in person, on foot and simply watch how the traffic uses them, focus on one car and how it transits the roundabout,  look from all angles and study the traffic flow. Try to put yourself in their position...

"When would I pull out?"

"Could that car have gone but didn't take the opportunity?"

"did that car pull out at the wrong time?"

"Was that car in the wrong lane, did it create a risk?"

"How do larger vehicles effect the traffic flow,?"


After a few minutes of observing you'll say "oh, I get it now" or at least gain a better understanding.


Your instructor will always be there to help with any topic, if you put in the extra time yourself and take responsibility for your own learning where you can, you will be much better prepared for your driving test!


Later in this guide there will be some pages about double mini roundabouts that we will look at specially.


Remember, your route is not the priority, safety is!  it doesn't matter if you pick the wrong lane, just follow that exit and go the wrong way. By doing this you have kept the situation safe. You can always change your route.


If you are fixated on getting to your exit but are in the wrong lane, and make a rushed decision by swerving across the path of another vehicle this is very dangerous and there is a high chance of a collision. Do what is safe, even if this means going the wrong way.