Emerging left & right

When we start to learn emerging, we may treat giveway lines as stops lines, just to give us more thinking time, as we progress, we can try to keep the car slowly rolling forward whislt emerging using good clutch control.


Emerging left

When emerging from a minor road onto a major road, any traffic on the major road has priority (even if it's on the wrong side of the road!), we might need to wait for a gap in the traffic.


The junction might be an open junction, this means the view left and right is good. If the junction is open, we will likely choose 2nd gear and keep going.

If it’s a closed junction or we need to wait for a gap before we pull out, we’ll need come down to 1st gear.


We might need to “creep & peep” forward a little until out view improves. We can use good clutch control to do this.


Emerging right

When emerging right, we can apply the same approach routine and decide if the junction is open or closed, then pick a suitable gear. We will have a little more work to do as we might need to cross oncoming traffic approaching from our right, whilst finding a suitable gap between traffic on our left.


We can use the LADA routine to do this.


Look - Assess - Decide - Act


We can use the LADA routine anytime we need to make a decision when driving.

We'll look at this in more detail on the next page "Emerging at busier junctions"

You need to be 100% sure it’s safe before pulling out at a junction.

“If you don’t know….don’t go!”