Zebra crossing = no signal

When we spot a zebra crossing check what is happening behind.

Scan the footings either side for pedestrians.

If it is clear, we can proceed, if there is a pedestrian approaching or waiting to cross, we should stop.

Only continue when the pedestrian has finished crossing and there is no one else waiting to cross.

Before pulling away, we should make a sweep of the mirrors from left to right to make sure it's safe to pull away.
























The four other crossing types are all controlled by traffic lights.

Keep a good lookout for pedestrian crossings and start planning early.

Red lights are easy to approach, we know what we need to do.

Green lights might change red with little warning, we need to approach green lights at a speed that we can stop safely if it changes red.

Generally, we must stop and wait at a red light (even if displayed with an amber light) and stop if safe to do so on a solid amber light.

We can go on a green light and go if the crossing is clear on a flashing amber light, again,  sweeping the mirror from left to right to ensure it's safe to pull away.



































